
Franklin ME, Huppert J, Langner R, Leiberg S, Foa EB. Interpretation Bias: A Comparison of Treated Social Phobics, Untreated Social Phobics, and Controls. Cognitive Therapy and Research [Internet]. 2005;29 :289–300. click here for the article
Foa EB, Liebowitz ML, Kozak MJ, Davies S, Campeas R, Franklin ME, others. Clomipramine, exposure and response prevention, and their combination for OCD. American Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2005;162 :151–161. click here for the article
Maintenance Mechanisms in Social Anxiety: an integration of cognitive biases and emotional processing theory. In: Yiend, J. Cognition, Emotion, and Psychopathology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press ; 2004. pp. 213-231. click here for the chapter
Huppert JD, Rynn M. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In: Clinical Handbook of Anxiety Disorders. American Psychiatric Press ; 2004. pp. 147-171. click here for the chapter
Davidson JRT, Foa EB, Huppert JD, et al. Keefe FJ, Franklin ME. Fluoxetine, comprehensive cognitive behavioral therapy, and placebo in generalized social phobia. Archives of General Psychiatry [Internet]. 2004;61 :1005-1013. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Alley AC. The clinical application of emotion research in generalized anxiety disorder: Some proposed procedures. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice [Internet]. 2004;11 :387 - 392. click here for the article
Smith TE, Hull JW, Huppert JD, Silverstein SM, Anthony DT, McClough JF. Insight and recovery from psychosis in chronic schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research [Internet]. 2004;38 :169 - 176. click here for the article
Pediatric OCD. Cognitive-behavior therapy, sertraline, and their combination for children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: the Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (POTS) randomized controlled trial. Jama [Internet]. 2004;292 :1969-1976. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Schultz LT, Foa EB, Barlow DH, Davidson JRT, Gorman JM, Shear KM, Simpson BH, Woods SW. Differential response to placebo among patients with social phobia, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2004;161 :1485-1487. click here for the article
Smith TE, Hull JW, Huppert JD, Silverstein SM, Anthony DT, McClough JF. Insight and recovery from psychosis in chronic schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder patients. Journal of psychiatric research [Internet]. 2004;38 :169–176. click here for the article
Hajcak G, Huppert JD, Simons RF, Foa EB. Psychometric properties of the OCI-R in a college sample. Behaviour research and therapy [Internet]. 2004;42 :115–123. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Foa EB. The Obsessive Compulsive Inventory. In: Angstdiagnostik: Grundlagen und Testverfahren. Berlin: Springer ; 2003. pp. 353-355.
Huppert JD, & Baker SL. Going beyond the manual: An insiders guide to Panic Control Treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice [Internet]. 2003;10 :2-12. click here for the article
Huppert, J.D., & Abramowitz JA. Introduction to special section: Going beyond the manual. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice [Internet]. 2003;10 :1-2. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Roth, D.A. FEB&. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of social phobia: New advances. Current Psychiatry Reports [Internet]. 2003;(4) :289-296. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Franklin ME, Foa EB, Davidson JRT. Study refusal and exclusion from a randomized treatment study of generalized social phobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders [Internet]. 2003;17 :683 - 693. click here for the article
Gorman JM, Martinez JM, Goetz R, Huppert JD, Ray S, Barlow DH, Shear KM, Woods SW. The effect of pharmacotherapist characteristics on treatment outcome in panic disorder. Depression and anxiety [Internet]. 2003;17 :88–93. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Foa EB, Furr JM, Filip JC, Mathews A. Interpretation bias in social anxiety: A dimensional perspective. Cognitive Therapy and Research [Internet]. 2003;27 :569–577. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Roth DA. Treating obsessive-compulsive disorder with exposure and response prevention. The Behavior Analyst Today [Internet]. 2003;4 :66-70. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Sanderson WC. Psychotherapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In: Textbook of Anxiety Disorders. American Psychiatric Press, Inc ; 2002. pp. 163-178. click here for the chapter
