Publications by Year: 2023

Strauss AY, Fradkin I, Huppert JD. Formal vs. Intuitive Categorization and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2023;78.
Weiss M, Huppert JD. Shy, but why? Vulnerable narcissism and avoidant personality in terms of explicit and implicit interpretation bias and social acceptance. Current Psychology. 2023;42 :21151-21163.
Halaj A, Strauss AY, Zalaznik D, Fradkin I, Zlotnick E, Andersson G, Ebert DD, Huppert JD. Examining the relationship between cognitive factors and insight in panic disorder before and during treatment. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 2023;52 (4) :331-346.
Ginat-Frolich R, Kara-Ivanov A, Huppert JD. Mechanisms Underlying Interoceptive Exposure: Belief Disconfirmation or Extinction? A Preliminary Study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 2023;52 (2) :132-145.
Ganor T, Mor N, Huppert JD. Effects of Rumination and Distraction on Inhibition. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2023;78.