Barzilay S, Fradkin I, Huppert JD.
Habitual or Hyper-Controlled Behavior: OCD Symptoms and Explicit Sequence Learning. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2022.
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Rumination and Emotional Modulation of the Attentional Blink. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2022;46 :95-103.
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The Effect of Imagery Rescripting on Prospective Mental Imagery of a Feared Social Situation. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2022;77.
Strauss AY, Halaj A, Zalaznik D, Fradkin I, Katz BA, Zlotnick E, Barzilay S, Anderson GA, Ebert DD, Huppert JD.
Internet delivered guided cognitive behavioral self-help for panic disorder: An open trial and benchmarking study. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. 2022;32 :73-83.