Publications by Year: 2010

Boswell JF, Sharpless BA, Greenberg LS, Heatherington L, Huppert JD, Barber JP, M.R. G, Castonguay LG. Schools of Psychotherapy and the Beginnings of a Scientific Approach. In: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology. ; 2010. click here for the chapter
Foa EBH, Coles M, Huppert JD, Pasupuleti RV, Franklin ME, March J. Development and Validation of a Child Version of the Obsessive Compulsive Inventory. Behavior Therapy [Internet]. 2010;41 :121 - 132. click here for the article
Siev J, Chambless D, Huppert JD. Moral thought-action fusion and OCD symptoms: The moderating role of religious affiliation. JOURNAL OF ANXIETY DISORDERS [Internet]. 2010;24 :309 - 312. click here for the article
Siev J, Huppert J, Chambless D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is associated with less of a distinction between specific acts of omission and commission. Journal of Anxiety Disorders [Internet]. 2010;24 :893 - 899. click here for the article
Maher M, Huppert JD, Chen H, Duan N, Foa EB, Liebowitz MR, Simpson HB. Moderators and predictors of response to cognitive-behavioral therapy augmentation of pharmacotherapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychological Medicine [Internet]. 2010;40 :2013-2023. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Siev J. Treating Scrupulosity in Religious Individuals Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice [Internet]. 2010;17 :382-392. click here for the article
Siev J, Huppert JD, Chambless DL. Treatment Specificity for Panic Disorder: A Reply to Wampold, Imel, and Miller (2009). The Behavior Therapist [Internet]. 2010;33 :12-13. click here for the article
Greenberg D, Huppert JD. Scrupulosity: A Unique Subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports [Internet]. 2010;12 :282-289. click here for the article
Foa EB, Coles M, Huppert JD, Pasupuleti RV, Franklin ME, March J. Development and validation of a child version of the obsessive compulsive inventory. Behavior therapy [Internet]. 2010;41 :121–132. click here for the article