
Smith TE, Hull JW, Huppert JD, Silverstein SM. Recovery from psychosis in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: symptoms and neurocognitive rate-limiters for the development of social behavior skills. Schizophrenia Research [Internet]. 2002;55 :229 - 237. click here for the article
Foa EB, Huppert JD, Leiberg S. The Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory: Development and Validation of a Short Version. Psychological Assessment [Internet]. 2002;14 (4) :485 - 496. click here for the article
Weiss KA, Smith TE, Hull JW, Piper AC, Huppert JD. Predictors of Risk of Nonadherence in Outpatients With Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. [Internet]. 2002;28 :335-343. click here for the article
Abramowitz JS, Huppert JD, Cohen AB, Tolin DF, Cahill SP. Religious obsessions and compulsions in a non-clinical sample: The Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity (PIOS). Behaviour research and therapy [Internet]. 2002;40 :825–838. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Apfeldorf WJ, Smith TE. Use of self-report measures of anxiety and depression in outpatients with schizophrenia: reliability and validity. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment [Internet]. 2002;24 :275–283. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Weiss KA, Lim R, Pratt S, Smith TE. Quality of life in schizophrenia: contributions of anxiety and depression. Schizophrenia Research [Internet]. 2001;51 :171 - 180. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Bufka LF, Barlow DH, Gorman, J.M. S, M.K. & Woods SW. Therapists, therapist variables, and cognitive-behavioral therapy outcome in a multicenter trial for panic disorder. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2001;69 (5) :747 - 755. click here for the article
Huppert JD, Smith TE. Longitudinal analysis of subjective quality of life in schizophrenia: anxiety as the best symptom predictor. The Journal of nervous and mental disease [Internet]. 2001;189 :669–675. click here for the article
Miller AL, Wyman SE, Glassman SL, Huppert JD, Rathus JH. Analysis of behavioral skills utilized by suicidal adolescents receiving dialectical behavior therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice [Internet]. 2000;7 :183–187. click here for the article
Lyons MJ, Huppert J, Toomey R, Harley R, Goldberg J, Eisen S, True W, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT. Lifetime prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia. Twin Research [Internet]. 2000;3 :28–32. click here for the article
Bologna N, Barlow DH, Hollon S, Mitchell J, Huppert JD. Treatment redesign in a managed care environment. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice [Internet]. 1998;5 (1) :94-114. click here for the article
Bologna NC, Barlow DH, Hollon SD, Mitchell JE, Huppert JD. Behavioral health treatment redesign in managed care settings. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice [Internet]. 1998;5 :94–114. click here for the article
