Publications by Year: 2019

Romano M, Moscovitch DA, Ma R, Huppert JD. Social problem solving in social anxiety disorder. Journal of anxiety disorders. 2019;68 :102152.
Strauss AY, Kivity Y, Huppert JD. Emotion regulation strategies in cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder. Behavior therapy. 2019;50(3) :659-671.
Kivity Y, Huppert JD. Emotion regulation in social anxiety: a systematic investigation and meta-analysis using self-report, subjective, and event-related potentials measures. Cognition and Emotion. 2019;33(2) :213-230.
Halaj A, Yekutiel N, Strauss AY, Huppert JD. Utilization of learned skills in cognitive behavioural therapy for panic disorder. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy. 2019;47(6) :645-658.
Horwitz B, Littman R, Greenberg D, Huppert JD. A qualitative analysis of contemporary ultra-orthodox rabbinical perspectives on scrupulosity. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 2019;22(1) :82-98.
Fradkin I, Eitam B, Strauss AY, Huppert JD. How can an overlapping mechanism lead to distinct pathology? The case of psychosis and obsessive compulsive disorder. 2019.
Millgram Y, Joormann J, Lampert A, Tamir M, Huppert JD. Motivations to experience happiness or sadness in depression: Temporal stability and implications for coping with stress. Clinical Psychological Science. 2019;7(1) :143-161.
Fradkin I, Eitam B, Strauss AY, Huppert JD. Thoughts as unexpected intruders: Context, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and the sense of agency over thoughts. Clinical Psychological Science. 2019;7(1) :162-180.
Zalaznik D, Weiss M, Huppert JD. Improvement in adult anxious and avoidant attachment during cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder. Psychotherapy Research. 2019;29(3) :337-353.
Milgram Y, Joorman J, Huppert JD, Lampbert A, amir M. Motivations to Experience Happiness or Sadness in Depression: Temporal Stability and Implications for Coping with Stress. Clinical Psychological Science . 2019;7 :143-161.
Fradkin, I. Eitam B, Strauss, A.Y. HJD&. Thoughts as Unexpected Intruders: Context, Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms and the Sense of Agency over Thoughts. Clinical Psychological Science. 2019;7 :162-180.
Zalaznik, Weiss, Huppert JD. Improvement in adult anxious and avoidant attachment during cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder. 2019;29 (3) :337-353.