Masters Degree Projects


Ariel Shapiro: Attachment Style and Faith in God as Predictors of Level of Distress and Tendency to Avoid Stressful Situations 


Roni Pener Tessler: Development of a Measure for the Assessment of Religious Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior among Jews

 Amir Katz: Topics and Characteristics of Intrusive Thoughts among Children and Adolescents 


Noa Bassi: The relationship between personality, values, and choice of theoretical orientation 

Moshe Gross: Intimate Relationship with God as a Buffer Against Terror of Death 


Ravit Hayon: The Role of Attention During Exposure in Specific Phobia 

Gil Carmeli: The relationship between preference for solitude, attachment, and emotion regulation 

Haya Shenhav: The effects of techniques and the therapeutic relationship on patient expectations 

Elad Zlotnick: The Core Fear Questionnaire: Psychometric assessment and theory 


Guy Fluman: Environment as provoking social anxiety - effects of environmental assertiveness and expressed social skills on social anxiety. 

Ishay Meller: The influence of prayer on anxiety